How to Make Autumn Bouquets Using Fall Blooms

by olivia hoffman
Photos by Sharon Santoni

Explosions of yellows, bursts of orange, firey touches of red, and accents of deep green… the vibrant energy of fall is best captured in a perfectly curated bouquet of classic autumn blooms.

A couple of weeks ago, we wrapped up our annual Normandy tour which takes place at the end of September, the onset of fall. With our dear friend, Lucy Hunter – an award-winning garden designer, floral artist, photographer, and author of The Flower Hunter – guests were guided through an expert bouquet workshop, making use of gorgeous seasonal flowers.  


Taking place inside the greenhouse of Domaine de Primard, the charming hotel where the guests stayed, these unique bouquets capture the warm spirit of the season. Read on to learn what was used to create these autumn flower arrangements and perhaps take away inspiration to craft your own at home.

If you’re interested in learning more about our Normandy Tour for September 2025 – which includes a winning combination of visits to private gardens in the company of their owners, wonderful floral ateliers with Lucy Hunter, and multiple opportunities to shop for antiques – click here.

Inside the Atelier

Starting with dahlias and late summer roses brought over from the personal home gardens of Sharon Santoni (@sharonsantoni) and Edoardo Grassi (@gaspardatable), the guests decided on their primary color schemes as these bursting blooms would take center stage of the autumn bouquets.

Soft Orange Bouquets

Inspired by the gentle shift in color of the crisp new autumn leaves, these bouquets use soft orange dahlias and chrysanthemums with complementing Astrantia blooms. They’re enhanced by sprigs of playful green bells and sweet touches of fennel stems.

Pink and Yellow Bouquets

Not quite ready to let go of the sunny shades of summer, bright pink and yellow dahlias were paired with late summer roses in the same light color palette. The bouquet on the left made sure to add a touch of seasonal chrysanthemums, while the bouquet on the right put more emphasis on sprigs of perennial eucalyptus.

Pops of Purple Bouquets

Leaning into the deeper and darker colors of fall, moody mauve dahlias and sedum are laid on a pedestal of purple kale from Sharon’s garden. The stems of vibrant green bells, cedar-color crocosmia, and creamy eucalyptus give the bouquets an exciting and dynamic energy despite the somber palette.

Light Pinks and Dark Green Bouquets

High contrast between the dark greenery and the bright floral blooms gives these bouquets a striking presence. The bouquet on the left takes an approach akin to an Impressionist painter, blending the divergent hues of the purple kale and light pink dahlias with yellow-green sprigs of fennel. Meanwhile, the bouquet on the right goes a little wilder, with dots of violet Limonium and red Hawthorne like it were a Pointillism painting.

Bouquet Extras

Any leftover stems and flowers you have that didn’t quite make it into the main bouquet can be beautifully repurposed into smaller bouquets for small tables around the home. On the Normandy tour, the dinner table was laid with gorgeous snips in mini vases for a very romantic end to the day.

For more information about our Normandy Garden & Antique tour with Sharon Santoni and Lucy Hunter next year, head to

Written by Olivia Hoffman

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