© Joann Pai
Foreword by À Table cookbook author Rebekah Peppler
I grew up on strawberries as dessert, picked fresh and sun-warmed from my grandmother’s garden, topped in the early years with Cool Whip, later with freshly whipped cream. This crème fraîche–laced variation is my French version, eaten the moment strawberries hit the Paris markets (late April or May, if you want to plan a trip around it) through the very end of the season. If you’re using truly ripe strawberries, you shouldn’t need much sugar — it’s meant more to pull out their juices than to actually sweeten. If you’re making this in a shoulder season with less-than-perfect berries, adjust the amount of sugar to taste.
Recipe reprinted from À Table by Rebekah Peppler with permission by Chronicle Books, 2021.